Leiko Ikemura: Usagi Kannon

Leiko Ikemura, Usagi Kannon, Palma de Mallorca, 2021 © Leiko Ikemura. / Photo: Philipp von Matt.

'Usagi Kannon' (2012/2019) by Leiko Ikemura has found a new temporary spot at Parc del Mar in Palma de Mallorca. The outdoor installation is part of an exhibition in collaboration with the Casal Solleric, the Ajuntament de Palma.

A woman with rabbit ears, hybrid between animal and human, this sculpture is characterisctic of Ikemura’s approach that merges iconographies and cultural references. Usagi is the Japanese word for rabbit, while Kannon is the goddess of mercy in the Bouddhist tradition and the movement of her hands reminds of Virgin Mary. In terms of structure, the scale of the statue allows visitors to find shelter underneath, making it not only an icon but also a temple.

“The skirt is like a cave where you can seek protection, with light sources in it through the holes in the skirt and the hole in the head and thus the light from the sky. The small holes and the darkness in the skirt create a star-like phenomenon as if you were protected inside the universe.”- Leiko Ikemura

After being exhibited at the Kunstmuseum Basel and during the past months at Oratori Sant Feliu, the monumental sculpture 'Usagi Kannon' is now on view in front of the Cathedral before embarking on a new trip to the United Kingdom. Two other works, 'Pink Cloud' and 'Hare-Column' by the Swiss-Japanese artist are displayed in the window of Casal Solleric, creating a dialogue between the two spaces.

"L'escultura "Usagi Kannon" de Leiko Ikemura aterra a Palma gràcies a la col·laboració entre l’Ajuntament de Palma i la galeria Kewenig. Aquesta col·laboració públic privat diginifica i enriqueix els espais públics de la nostra ciutat amb la escultura més carismàtica de l'artista nipona. Podeu gaudir d'ella des d'avui al Parc de la Mar!!!” - Museum Casal Solleric


This exhibition is made possible thanks to the collaboration between the Casal Solleric with the Ajuntament de Palma de Mallorca and the Gallery KEWENIG.

KEWENIG & Casal Solleric on Facebook


Casal Solleric
Passeig del Born 27
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Parc de la Mar
Palma de Mallorca, Spain