Painter of Poetry, Poet of the Picture

M Scape, oil on jute 2009, 170 x 90 cm, © Leiko Ikemura, private collection Tokyo

Hakodate Museum of Art, Hokkaido, Japan

Travelling Exhibitions

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Sharing as Caring 5: Beyond Documentation

Yuriage 2011 photo © Leiko Ikemura

Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, Germany

Sharing as Caring is a series of cabinet exhibitions on the theme of the Fukushima Incident in a...

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Donations - Florence & Daniel Guerlain

Collection: Donation Florence et Daniel Guerlain, Centre Pompidou, Musée National d´Art Moderne, Paris, France © L. Ikemura, Guerlains, Centre Pompidou

Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Denmark

… In 2012 the Guerlain heirs donated their enormous collection of more than 1200 drawings by more than...

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Leiko Ikemura & Paula Modersohn Becker

CHICA AND CHICO IN BLUE, Tempera and Oil on Jute, 100×80 cm © Leiko Ikemura 2014

Berlin Gallery Weekend, Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin, Germany

29. April - 28. May 2016

Opening: Friday, 29. April 6 - 9 pm

Leiko Ikemura speaks a...

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Painter of Poetry, Poet of the Picture

M Scape, oil on jute 2009, 170 x 90 cm, © Leiko Ikemura, private collection Tokyo

Ashikaga Museum of Art, Tochigi, Japan

Travelling Exhibitions

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Sein. Antlitz. Körper - Kirchen öffnen sich der Kunst.

Schrei!, glazed terracotta, 90 x 37 x 32 cm, Berliner Dom © Leiko Ikemura 2016. Photo: PhvM

Berlin Cathedral, Berlin, Germany

„Sein. Antlitz. Körper - Kirchen öffnen sich der Kunst.“ So lautet der Titel einer Ausstellungsreihe, die am 13....

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Mountains in Exile

Trees out of head, glazed terracotta, 30 x 37 x 24 cm © Leiko Ikemura 2015 Photo: J. v. Bruchhausen, Berlin

Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France

The Galerie Karsten Greve Paris is delighted to present Mountains in Exile, a new solo exhibition by Japanese...

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Ceramix – Art et Céramique de Rodin à Schütte

White Sleep, ceramic © Leiko Ikemura 2010

La Maison Rouge, Paris, France

Under the title CERAMIX, the Bonnefantenmuseum (Maastricht – NL), the Cité de la Céramique, (Sèvres – F), and the...

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MOMAT Collection - Spring in Full Bloom: A Nihon-ga Festival

Leiko Ikemura, Tree Love, pastel on paper, 40.5×29.5 cm 2007. Collection of The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo

The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

This edition of the exhibition, entitled “Spring in Full Bloom: A Nihon-ga Festival”, focuses...

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The Memory - It was waved. From the J collection

Standing in English Red, 1996, oil on canvas, 70 x 70 cm. © Leiko Ikemura and VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024.

Nagoya City Art Museum, Aichi, Japan

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