"Noli me tangere! Touch me not / Cease holding on to me"
KOLUMBA Art museum of the Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany
15. 09. 2010 - 31. 07. 2011
Works and groups of works shown are by:
Johann von der Auvera, Krimhild Becker, Anna und Bernhard Johannes Blume, Heinz Breloh, James Lee Byars, Franz-Heinrich Commans, Hans Daucher, Ernst Deger, Henrik Douwermann, Herbert Falken, Bill Fontana, Jeremias Geisselbrunn, Bettina Gruber, Bethan Huws, Franz Ittenbach, Leiko Ikemura, Hans Josephsohn, Michael Kalmbach, Leonhard Kern, Jürgen Klauke, Jannis Kounellis, Thomas Lehnerer, Bernhard Leitner, Stefan Lochner, Joseph Marioni, Carl und Andreas Müller, Balthasar Permoser, Lukas Rohrbach, Antonio Saura, Werner Schriefers, Franz Wilhelm Seiwert, Richard Serra, Paul Thek, Michael Toenges, Peter Tollens, Arnt van Tricht, Simon Troger, Dario Villalba
»Noli me tangere!«
Touch me not / Cease holding on to me
»Touch me not« or »Cease holding on to me«: Two interpretations of what the Resurrected Christ said to Mary Magdalene that have come down to us in the Gospel of St. John (John 20.17) form the point of departure for the new exhibition, to hang throughout the next year, in which we wish to sound out terms of human encounters. In what is now the 4th year-long exhibition in our new museum building, we invite you to pause and reflect upon presence and absence, proximity and distance, desire and respect, in a dialogue with works of art created over a period of two thousand years. »Noli me tangere!« is an exhibition about the sphere and integrity of the individual that must be respected, things that have recently taken on a heightened degree of urgency before the backdrop of the debate concerning sexual abuse, also within the Church.
A second catalogue of selected works from the collection has been published under the title »Auswahl zwei«: leiko.info/index.php