Artists: Philip Aguirre Y Otegui (BE) / Anas Albraehe (SY) / Barbora Adamonytė-Keidūnė (LT) / Stéphane Argillet and Gilles Paté (FR) / Carolien Arnold (NL) / Hans van Bentem (NL) / Stijn Ter Braak (NL) / Paul Bogaers (NL) / Harm van den Berg (NL) / Sophie Conroy (UK) / Bekhbaatar Enkhtur (MN) / Martin Fenne (NL) / Giovanni Battista Franco (IT) / Louis Fratino (US) / Lenz Geerk (CH) / Aalt van de Glind (NL) / Daniel Godínez Nivón (MX) / Francisco José de Goya (ES) / Frank Halmans (NL) / Geoffrey Holder (TT / US) / Mona Hatoum (LB) / Sarah Mei Herman (NL) / Teun Hocks (NL) / Li Hui (CH) / Leiko Ikemura (JP) / Carlijn Jacobs (NL) / Pieter Jennes (BE) / Yasmijn Karhof & Merel Karhof (NL) / Carla Kogelman (NL) / Koen Ebeling Koning (NL) / Frank Koolen (NL) / Gerard de Lairesse (BE) / Gabriel Lester (NL) Alexandra Leykauf (DE) / Domenico Marchetti (IT) / Tony Matelli (US) / Frans Xaver Messerschmidt (DE) / Philip Aguirre Y Otegui (BE) / Bernard Picart (FR) / Paul de Reus (NL) Julika Rudelius (DE) / Tobias Schalken (NL) / Hinke Schreuders (NL) / Sondi (CM | DE) / Ted Spagna (US) / Mladen Stilinović (SV) / Maurice van Tellingen (NL) / Troika (UK) / Gavin Turk (UK) / Kaari Upson (US) / Utsav Verma (IN) / Marcel van der Vlugt (NL) / Andy Warhol (US) / Willem Weismann (DE) / Lothar Wolleh (DE)
"Did you sleep well?" is a question often asked of each other. A basic question in which the response of the interviewee immediately gives an insight into the alertness, mood and relatability of the person in question. Sleep, like food and drink, is a basic necessity of life. Magazines are filled weekly with tips and tricks for a good night's sleep: with the golden rule of rest, cleanliness and regularity recurring as the ideal form of sleep hygiene. Human beings spend a third part in sleep: a situation in which we have a lowering of consciousness that results in a lack of contact with the outside world. Our body and mind come to rest. We surrender to it, vulnerable and thrown back on ourselves. Why we sleep is still an unsolved mystery. Cellular repair process, energy conservation, learning and recording of memories are three main pillars in current theories.
The family exhibition Sleep! takes you on a little exploration into the great domain of sleep and dream, through the eyes of some fifty visual artists and designers. Here, for a moment, another time reigns. You go through the four sleep stages from slumber to light sleep, continue to deep sleep and (sleep) walk through the dream to the great hall where the bed is central. Or you make the detour via Sleep/Wake, because by no means everyone has an ideal sleep cycle. Stress and anxiety often lead to insomnia and sleep problems. If you wish, make a second round trip to a second sleep cycle, just as long until you hopefully leave the exhibition completely refreshed!
Additional location Men's Hall
The monumental Men's Hall of the St. Pieters en Bloklands Gasthuis built in 1531, still has 22 original bedsteads, giving visitors a unique insight into how the guests lived here. For one month, this men's room is an additional location to the exhibition Sleep! Artworks are on display and there is an extensive public program.
At various times, the performance Voulez-vous coucher - created especially for the exhibition - developed by theater producer Carolien Arnold and the MAAT Saxophone Quartet, commissioned by September Me and Kunsthal KAdE, will be performed.
The Men's Room can be found on Westsingel 47 in Amersfoort.
Opening hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 10:00-17:00
Source: ART Hall KAdE
Kunsthal KAdE (ART Hall KAdE)
Eemplein 77,
3812 EA, Amersfoort
tel. +31 (0) 33 422 5030